Gynecomastia : An Embarrassing Male Problem

What is Gynecomastia?

Each time a young man walks in my practice and seems healthy but is sporting a very loose shirt or a T-shirt, I understand the identification in 9 out of 10 will be gynecomastia. Basically, "Gynecomastia" means abnormal enlargement of breasts in men. In colloquial terms, it's also called 'male-boobs'. The normal patient is a young adult man between 20-28 decades old and is ashamed with his appearances and averts changing in people or performing tasks like swimming. Anything that can make kids seem different from their peers and encourage ridicule may have a dampening impact on their self-esteem and assurance.

Which are the causes of Gynecomastia?

1. Pubertal Gynecomastia or Male Breast Enhancement is because of an imbalance involving estrogens (female hormones) and androgens (male hormones). Instances are developmental throughout adolescence and no cause is found. In pubertal gynecomastia that develops in adults, the hormone levels are shown to be normal and it could be caused by the difference in sensitivity of circulating hormones.

2. Obesity performs in various ways. It's been discovered that in obese individuals there's an elevated action of an individual receptor referred to as aromatase' that induces conversion of androgens to estrogens by a procedure referred to as aromatization'. Estrogens being hormones bring about breast enlargement in men.

3. Steroids - People wanting to become super healthy and attempting to ape their own superstar's six-packs require the shortcut with supplements laced with steroids that cause inhibition of the own body's natural male hormones (androgens) resulting in an imbalance between estrogens and androgens. Under the effect of relatively increased action of estrogens, there's male breast augmentation.

4. Gynecomastia can be also caused by the use of medications such as drugs and antacids. Unusual causes of Hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, testicular tumours may also induce gynecomastia. Paradoxically, it may be cancerous particularly if just 1 breast is involved along with the bulge is tough.

What's the remedy of Gynecomastia?

In established cases of gynecomastia where no additional pathology was discovered, surgical correction yields exceptional results. Recent improvements enable us to execute gynecomastia operation with almost no or very minimal scars. A mixture of innovative ultrasonic liposuction (VASER) and minimum scar gland excision contributes to a speedy recovery and standard contour ordinarily. Very infrequently in patients with colossal breasts skin might have to be excised.

Satisfaction levels of the operation are extremely large and just about all patients feel normal and confident about themselves. It might seem to be just a cosmetic process for many others but the sufferers frequently call it a genuine'life-changing' operation. Higher awareness that this problem is correctable in a secure way via minimal scar operation has made this among the very popular plastic surgery procedures in men.


  1. It is common in young males today, who are suffering from this issue and facing embarrassment socially. Male Breast Reduction in Delhi can be done with the surgical treatment and the procedure includes surgical removal of all breast tissue along with liposuction of the enlarged gland.


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